E-Cigarette Reviews and Rankings

Battle of the Minis – KR808 or 510, Which Is the Better E-Cigarette?

There are dozens of electronic cigarette models to choose from, but mini-style devices that mimic real cigarettes are by far the most popular with mainstream vapers. Up until a few years ago the 510 model reigned supreme in the mini e-cigarette category, but these days it has a real rival in the robust KR808, a unit that most brands seem to prefer. So which one of these popular devices deserves the title of "best mini"? The truth is both models have pros and cons, which...


Is the Tide Turning? E-Cigs Getting Some Much Needed Fair Treatment from the Media

After years in which big media corporations have posted hundreds of articles containing unsubstantiated claims about the dangers of using electronic cigarettes, we're seeing sites like the BBC or FOX News actually giving credit where credit is due and acknowledging the huge success and potential of these revolutionary devices. According to Euromonitor International estimates, the e-cigarette industry is currently worth $2 billion (around as much as the whole small cigar...


The Ever-Growing Popularity of Electronic Cigarettes

Given the fact that e-cigarettes were non-existent only a few years ago, their increasing popularity and growth has been phenomenal. Vapers are being spotted more and more in public, and the vaping industry as such has experienced an unprecedented success in sales. In the year 2010, only 750,000 electronic cigarettes were sold around the world, but sales quickly increased to 2.5 million the very next...


How the Internet Is Stopping a Ban on Electronic Cigarettes

It is quite true that if it were not for the internet, e-cigarettes may have been banned a long time ago, perhaps within just a couple of years of the product being released worldwide. As soon as large companies realized that these devices were a threat to both tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, they would have promptly funded anti-smoking groups to campaign against them. Scare stories would be...


Are Electronic Cigarettes Here to Stay?

There’s no denying the fact that electronic cigarettes are popular in today’s market. The device has especially gained favor among tobacco smokers, for providing them with a healthier alternative that is just as pleasurable and fun. Since the introduction of electronic cigarettes merely 5 to 6 years ago, the industry has enjoyed unprecedented success. But not everyone is happy about the product....


Why Electronic Cigarettes Are Better than Analogs

Among millions of e-smokers around the world, the majority would say the they enjoy their electronic cigarettes much more than they did tobacco analogs. Considering the fact that e-cigarettes do not contain any tobacco in them, it is quite surprising that people prefer to use them. What makes e-cigs better than tobacco cigarettes? Let’s find out: Taste You may find...