E-Cigarette Reviews and Rankings

Vandy Vape Pulse PF 80W Squonk Mod Review

Following the success of the original Pulse BF squonker, Vandy Vape has come out with a regulated version of their affordable device, in hopes of attracting those vapers that didn't feel comfortable using a mechanical squonker. The new Vandy Vape BF 80W has all the safety features of a regulated...

4_5 stars

Wismec Luxotic BF Kit Review

If you're looking for an affordable squonking setup, but just can't get used to those cheap, plastic bottom-feeding mods that have been coming out of China recently, you're probably going to love the new Wismec Luxotic BF. Not only is it the most high-quality budget squonker on the market right now...

5 stars

Vandy Vape Pulse BF Squonk Mod Review

Many in the vaping community regard squonking as the future, but even though squonk mods have been around for a couple of years now, one thing has prevented them from going mainstream - the price. These things are really expensive, with prices ranging from around $100 to several hundred, and with...

4_5 stars