E-Cigarette Reviews and Rankings

Spanish Survey Shows 66 Percent of E-Cigarette Users Quit Smoking While 33 Percent Cut Down on Cigarettes

According to the results of a survey recently conducted by Spanish e-cigarette company Puff Cigarette, 66% of e-cigarette users questioned claimed they quit smoking with the help of e-cigs, while another 33% said they cut down on tobacco cigarettes.

e-cigThe Puff Cigarette survey was conducted on a pool of 187 Spanish vapers, and revealed a lot of impressive information. For example, 7 out of 10 people who took the survey reported an improvement of their health after they started using electronic cigarettes. More specifically, 35% of them said they had an increased respiratory capacity, 10% felt less tired, 8.5% had recovered their sense of taste and 6% said they didn’t cough as often as when they were smoking tobacco cigarettes exclusively.

93.5% of the e-cigarette users who reported these significant improvements to their health said they occurred within the first year since they first started using electronic cigarettes. Of these, 90% would recommend e-cigs as an alternative to smoking to a smoker friend “without a doubt”, while only 8% would recommend them “with some reservations”

The analyzed survey data also revealed that 52% of respondents were women and that 58% are aged between 35 and 54, 25% of them are between 25 and 34 years old and only 3% are aged between 18 and 24. As for their employment status, 45% of them are employed, 16% are self employed and 14% are unemployed. Pensioners and students have only a minor representation in the survey, with only 6% and 3% respectively.

Regarding the Spanish authorities intention to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in public places, 8 out of 10 respondents said it should not be carried out.

Source: Europa Press/La Informacion

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